We are Pleased to invite you to attend the 

...Pennsylvania Pain Society LIVE and in Person Annual Meeting and Scientific Sessions

When:  May 16-18, 2025

Where: The Hershey Lodge, Hershey PA


Register by March 30 and get a second meeting registration of equal or lesser value without fee!  

(simply register for you and we will send your confirmation with instructions on how to register your colleague without fee)




including the PA Licensing topics and MATE ACT  DEA licensing topics

May 16-18, 2025

Jointly Provided by Amedco - Earn CME and CEU Credits 

Nestor Tomycz MD and Steven Falowski MD,  Program Co-Chairs

Preliminary Program with Invited Faculty

Thursday, May 15 

6:00-7:30 PM                Pennsylvania Pain Society Board of Directors Meeting  

7:30 -8:30 PM               Join the Board in the Lobby for Libations and Networking


FRIDAY May 16   - PAIN BOOT CAMP – Cocoa Suites 4 &5

7:30 AM                       Registration Opens and Breakfast Provided by Societ

7:55 AM                       Welcome and Opening Remarks – Leonard Kamen DO, President

Pain Boot Camp:  Mandatory Licensing Education for Pennsylvania Providers 

8:00 AM           An Introduction to Pain Management (Pathophysiology, Physical Examination, and Types of Pain)  - TBD

8:30 AM           Initiating, Monitoring, and Weaning Opioids – David Giampetro MD 

9:00 AM           Safely Prescribing Controlled Substances including Opioids – Richard Gao MD 

9:30 AM           Opioid Use Disorder – What is it and How do we Treat it – Eugene Viscusi MD          

10:00 AM         Networking Break- Meet the Faculty and Colleagues

Session Two:    Boot Camp Continued

10:15 AM         The Psychology of Pain – Christa Coleman PsyD, MSCP, BCB

10:45 AM         Pain and Addiction –Mitchell West DO

11:15 AM         A Lifestyle Medicine Approach to Orthopeadic Pain– Saloni Sharma MD

11:45 PM           Panel Discussion and Case Presentations

12:00 – 12:45 PM           Corporate Member Showcase with Gold Corporate Member  (Lunch provided, no CME provided, CMS reportable)  

Session Three:  Boot Camp Continued

1:00 PM            Suzetrigine and other non-opioids for Pain, A new Non-opioid Analgesic – Len Kamen DO

1:30 PM            Cannabis for Pain- Bruce Nicholson MD 

2:00 PM            Ketamine for Pain – Thomas Scott MD MBA

2:30 PM            Psychedelics for Pain  - Akash Goel MD 


2:30-3:00 PM    Exhibitor Setup in the Nigerian Room 

3:00 PM            Networking Break with Exhibitors in the Nigerian Room


Session Four:    Boot Camp Continued – Interventional Options to Manage Pain

In the Trinidad Room

3:30 PM            Advances in Spinal Cord Stimulation -Steven Falowski MD 

4:00 PM            Advances in Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation – Phillip Kim MD

4:30 PM            Spinal Cord Stimulation for Diabetic and Other Neuropathies - Justin Davanzo MD

5:00 PM            Advances in Peripheral Nerve Stimulation- Bunty Shah MD


Session Five:  TRAINEE POSTER COMPETITION in the Trinidad Room.   Moderator: Philip Kim MD  

5:30 PM                        Top Trainee Posters oral presentations 


6:00-7:00 PM                Networking Reception in the Exhibit Hall  (Nigerian Room) (All attendees and guests welcome!)  


SATURDAY May 17, 2024  

7:00  AM                       Registration and Exhibition Opens in the Nigerian Room 


7:30-8:15 AM                Gold Corporate Member (Breakfast Provided, No CME Provided)   - Cocoa Terrace


Session Six:    President’s Session – Special Guest Lecturers  in the Nigerian Room

8:15 AM           Interventional Neck and Headache Blocks – Matthew Kline MD 

8:45 AM           Headache in Post Concussion and Traumatic Brain Injury – Miriam Segal MD  

9:15 AM           Basovertebral Nerve Ablation for Axial Back Pain – Jacob Benrud MD


9:45 AM           Networking Break with Exhibitors   

Session Seven:  A Great Debate on Psychedelics and Hot Topics -  Moderator: Vitaly Gordin MD

10:15 AM           Psychedelics  - Pro:  Akash Goel MD vs. Con:  Mitchell West DO

10:45 AM         CRPS – Michael Patterson MD  

11:15 AM         Pelvic Pain from the Physical Therapy Perspective – Kailee Venzin PT, DPT 

11:45 AM         Advances in SI Joint Fusion - Jack Smith MD

12:15  PM         Surgical Approaches to Cancer Pain – Nestor Tomycz MD

12:30 PM          Annual Business Meeting

12:45 PM  Corporate Member Showcase with Gold Corporate Member  (Lunch Provided, No CME Provided, CMS Reportable)  


Session Eight   - The Business of Pain Medicine 

1:30 PM             Ownership of DMEs, Surgery Centers, Labs and Pharmacies - Yeshvant Navalgund MD

2:00 PM            Stark Laws– Lawrence Kobak DPM Esq.

2:30 PM            Perspectives from a Former Federal Prosecutor: Hot Legal Topics for the Pain Physician and APP with Lou Manzo Esq

3:00 PM            Q & A 



SUNDAY May 17, 2024  

7:30  AM                       Registration and Exhibition Opens

7:30-8:15 AM                Breakfast with Exhibitors 

Session Nine -  Pain Management and Artificial Intelligence – PX and AI

8:15 AM           AI in your Practice – TBD

8:45 AM           The Ethics of AI – Mark Wells DNP

9:15 AM           Privacy and HIPPAA and AI Oh My! – TBD

9:45 AM           Liability for AI in your Practice - Lawrence Kobak DPM Esq.

10:15 AM         Discussion, Q & A with the Panel                       

10:30 AM         Closing Remarks and Thank you – Leonard Kamen DO, President


Registration Fees.

Register by March 30 and get a second registration of equal or lesser value without fee!

MD, DO – Full Meeting 500   Daily Rate:  $250

PA, NP – Full Meeting i400    Daily Rate:  $200

Nurse, admin  Full Meeting-300   Daily Rate $150

Trainee – Full Meeting 100   Daily Rate:  $50  (Submit an abstract that is accepted and attend for free!)


The purpose of this program is to educate physicians and healthcare practitioners in evolving acute and chronic pain management and provide a forum for participants to gain valuable understanding in evidenced based techniques, treatments and solutions for patients suffering from pain.  In addition, Pennsylvania legal issues, mandatory prescriber education, DEA MATE Act, and coding/ billing will be presented in a didactic, interactive format.


At the end of this program, participants should be able to:

1.         Employ key diagnostic and treatment techniques for the management of pain.

2.         Identify and administer appropriate safe opioid usage in patients.

3.         Understand and include behavioral analysis in the evaluation of a chronic pain patient.

4.         Identify and resolve issues relating to the law and billing for pain management.

5.         Apply evidenced based strategies to clinical practice for managing complex

            pain patients.


Satisfactory Completion 

Learners must complete an evaluation form to receive a certificate of completion. Your chosen sessions must be attended in their entirety.  Partial credit of individual sessions is not available. If you are seeking continuing education credit for a specialty not listed below, it is your responsibility to contact your licensing/certification board to determine course eligibility for your licensing/certification requirement.   


In support of improving patient care, this activity has been planned and implemented by Amedco LLC and Pennsylvania Pain Society.  Amedco LLC is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), and the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), to provide continuing education for the healthcare team.

HOTEL ACCOMMODATIONS - The Hershey Lodge, Hershey PA  

The Society has reserved a limited number of sleeping rooms at the discounted rate of $299 nt standard two queen beds, and $259 nt one King bed plus tax.  Once the rooms are booked and or the sleeping block discount expires, the hotel rates increase.  Deadline is March 30, 2025 or when the room block sells out; whichever occurs first.  You can reserve your sleeping room(s) by dialing  1-855-729-3108 and asking for the Pennsylvania Pain Society Group rate. 


Cancelation Policy - Cancelations received after April 16, 2025  will be charged an administrative fee of $50. After April 16, 2025, no refunds can be provided.  You are welcome to substitute an attendee after April 16, 2025.  Email Robin Hoyle at Robin@painsocieties.org with requests for substitutions.



We strive to host inclusive, accessible events that enable all individuals, including individuals with disabilities, to engage fully. To be respectful of those with allergies and environmental sensitivities, we ask that you please refrain from wearing strong fragrances. To request an accommodation or for inquiries about accessibility, please contact Robin Hoyle via email at Robin@painsocieties.org or by phone at toll free 1844-524-7246


2025 Attendee Registration for the Pennsylvania Pain Society Annual Meeting

Register Now

  • May 15 - 18, 2025
  • The Hershey Lodge
    325 University Drive
    Hershey, Pennsylvania
    United States